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11/02 Form #312 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODELS DM-350A, 360A, 370A DIGITAL MULTIMETER PLEASE READ THESE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY Misuse and or abuse DIGITAL MULTIMETER. PLEASE READ THESE OPERATING. INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. Misuse and or abuse of these instruments cannot be prevented by. any printed word and Sperry Dm-350a Digital Multimeter Manual by Sperry Instruments Inc A W Sperry DM350A 5 If you can't read please download the document. Download Instructions and safety tips for using the Sperry DM 350A digital multimeter, a technician's tool for measuring electrical voltage, current and resistance. The Sperry DM-350A multimeter is a compact and safe digital model that allows you to take electrical measurements at home or in an industrial setting. theLiability of SPERRY. INSTRUMENTS, INC. shall be limited to the repair or. 11/02. Form #312. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. MODELS DM-350A, 360A, 370A.
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