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The Revised AAHPER Youth Fitness Test is a battery of six test items designed to give a measure of physical fitness for boys and girls in grades 5-12. PDF | The AAHPER Youth Fitness Test, the first U.S. national fitness test, was published 50 years ago. The seminal work of Krause and Hirschland. test items known as the Youth Fitness Test of the American Associ- ation for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, hereafter referred to as the AAHPER Physical Fitness Test: This test was designed to help the teachers of physical education and other recreation leaders in the field to find out the performance Get this from a library! AAHPER youth fitness test manual.. [American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Youth Fitness Project.] Fitness testing for youth emerged from the field of physical education, 1965, Update of AAHPER Youth Fitness Test published (AAHPER, 1965).
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